Sunday, June 16, 2013

Myers-Briggs Test

My result from Myers Briggs Test is INFJ:

Introverted (I) 57%
Extraverted (E) 43%
Intuitive (N) 59%
Sensing (S) 41%
Feeling (F) 75%
Thinking (T) 25%
Judging (J) 77%
Perceiving (P) 23%

The result was accurate based on my life experiences. I do not restrict myself from interacting with others, however, it does require an active effort. The level of effort does change based on the settings, personal vs. professional.  The second result illustrated that I am mostly intuitive, more abstract than concrete. Additionally, suggesting that I focus on the bigger picture instead of focusing on the details, and value the future outcomes over the present ones. This one was contrary to some of my previous experiences because usually I tend to be more detail orientated, to the point that I have to remind myself of the overall goals to refocus my thoughts and efforts, and not get lost in the minute details. The third result shows a 75% more likely to use the feeling as compared to thinking. This means that I value personal consideration above objective criteria. I felt this was accurate because I usually do not like living by the book, or treating every situation similarly. The last result shows that I am more likely to plan ahead to have a sense of control instead of making last minute decisions, which is quite accurate because last minute decisions make me more stressed.

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